Stigmabase Briefing

United against misinformation


Aboriginal Australians are the original inhabitants of the continent of Australia and many of its surrounding islands, such as Tasmania, Fraser Island and Groote Eylandt. They have a rich and diverse cultural heritage that dates back to at least 65,000 years ago, when they first arrived in Australia from Africa and Asia. They are the custodians of the world's oldest living cultures, which have survived and thrived through various environmental and social changes. They are made up of more than 250 distinct language groups or nations, each with its own unique identity, customs, spirituality, laws and connection to the land. 

Aboriginal Australians are the original inhabitants of the continent of Australia and many of its surrounding islands, such as Tasmania, Fraser Island and Groote Eylandt. They have a rich and diverse cultural heritage that dates back to at least 65,000 years ago, when they first arrived in Australia from Africa and Asia. They are the custodians of the world's oldest living cultures, which have survived and thrived through various environmental and social changes. They are made up of more than 250 distinct language groups or nations, each with its own unique identity, customs, spirituality, laws and connection to the land. Aboriginal Australians have endured many hardships and injustices since the British invasion of Australia in 1788, such as dispossession, discrimination, violence and assimilation policies. However, they have also resisted oppression and contributed to the Australian society in many fields, such as politics, sports, arts and education. Aboriginal Australians are not a single or uniform group, but rather a diverse and dynamic collection of peoples who have adapted to the challenges and opportunities of the modern world.

Aboriginal Australians have endured many hardships and injustices since the British invasion of Australia in 1788, such as dispossession, discrimination, violence and assimilation policies. However, they have also resisted oppression and contributed to the Australian society in many fields, such as politics, sports, arts and education. Aboriginal Australians are not a single or uniform group, but rather a diverse and dynamic collection of peoples who have adapted to the challenges and opportunities of the modern world.

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