Stigmabase Global initiative
Dedicated to Education and Diversity
Multilingualism & Multiculturalism
Founded on September 7, 2010 | 14 Years of experience
Stigmabase is a Canadian Non-Governmental & Nonprofit Initiative. Our mission is to inform about stigma around the world and retain the data collected for researchers. Stigmabase is very attentive to misinformation and lists only reliable sources. — The marginalization of individuals or categories of individuals is a too common phenomenon. Millions of people are facing this problem around the world and many complex factors are involved.
Stigmabase speaks 16 languages and uses only trusted and credible journalistic sources
Montréal | CANADA
Since 2010, Stigmabase lists 52 weeks per year — stories about social exclusion and its causes throughout the world — in 16 languages. Stigmabase hopes to be a vehicle for change and combat social exclusion throughout the world.
The Stigmabase initiative is part of a Multilateralism approach and rejects any populist, souverainism, nationalist, hate and fundamentalist doctrines. Stigmabase believes in A TOTAL equality between genders, races, cultures, and equal opportunities for all..
Robert Savignac
First posts : September 7, 2010
Robert Savignac is a Montréal native. He considers himself like a North American citizen.
Business manager, and president of a network made up of 10 bookstores: Robert is the publisher of 161 books (49 translations). Trained accountant, he was VP Finance for an important translation firm in Toronto. He carried out many management and business organization mandates. He also drew up many communication plans for the Web.
He suffered a burnout at the end of the 90s, then chose a new career path in information technology. He created management applications for various bars and restaurants. This second career as an administrator in Montréal's Gay Village meant that on a daily basis, he dealt with setbacks, caused by prostitution, drug addiction, alcohol, and compulsive gambling.
These experiences and his work in the field were a major turning point in his life. In the years that followed, he became an ardent and passionate advocate of equity, harm reduction and reintegration.
The developer of Stigmabase rejects any nationalist and sovereigntist rethorics and their obsession rooted in xenophobia and in the past.
For him ... The world does not need more borders.
Stigmabase is proudly
Since 2010, Stigmabase has referred more than 50 million readers to the Global Press
Stigmabase uses only trusted and credible journalistic sources
Journalism ethics and standards are principles of good practice. Professional journalism associations, individual news organizations, and journalists themselves often have their own "code of ethics;" however, most share these basic principles: truthfulness, accuracy, objectivity, impartiality, fairness, and public accountability.
A Canadian Non-Governmental & Nonprofit initiative
To those who have been there and
who have believed in Stigmabase mission
Merci !
Nathalie Comeau
Co-Founder | Research and development
Conseillers fondateurs
Francis et Kati furent les premiers intervenants bénévoles à commenter le projet. Ils fut alors facile de constater que tous les deux savent placer les valeurs humaines au-dessus de tout. Leur fougue, leur détermination et leur générosité furent impressionnantes
Carl Lacroix
Maxime Morin
APE (Quebec city - CANADA): Christian Audet - Annie St-Cyr
Maison de Lauberivière (Quebec city - CANADA) : Éric Boulay - Marie-Pier Déry - Francis Peuch - André Larose
Artmérik (Quebec city - CANADA ) : Catherine Grenier - Jacynthe Gauthier - Martin Beaulieu - Martin Lagacé
Action chambreurs (Quebec city - CANADA) : Stéphane Baudelot
Stigmabase do not handle personal or sensitive user data.
STIGMABASE do not discriminate on any unlawful basis with regards to hiring or employment practices, including discrimination or harassment on the basis of race, color, religion, veteran status, national origin, ancestry, pregnancy status, sex, gender identity or expression, age, marital status, mental or physical disability, medical condition, sexual orientation or any other characteristics.
Stigmabase respect all social and economic status
Stigmabase is a strong supporter of open source
Addition for Stigmabase mLGBT+ app
No data collection declared
The developer says this app doesn’t collect user data
No data shared with third parties
The developer says this app doesn’t share user data with other companies or organizations